SIS/SVI AEVS Padlet A collaboration of shared resources from passionate special education teachers CLICK HERE:
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Time saving, engaging and motivating digital tools that can be used for the purpose of assessment. Click Here for resources:
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A comprehensive website that includes information and documents for the implementation of DBE. Click on the link below:
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Tools for Adult Education Teachers Éducaloi’s practical legal information about everyday situations is a great fit with adult education courses. What’s in an apartment lease? What are the rights of employees and employers? What can you do about a product that broke? We’ve created teaching guides with learning situations that use our legal information on these and other topics. Designed for the Common Core Basic Education program, they were created with help from teachers and pedagogical consultants. The free guides come with a teacher version (PDF) and student version (PDF or Notebook format – compatible with white boards). To download the guides, click on the following link:
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A collection of resources for teachers in all subject areas including: ministry updates, workshop information, learning situations, classroom material for the new programs, a Q&A/conversation board for all subject areas and helpful links. Click on this link:
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The Virtual Library is a compendium of outstanding bilingual resources that support learning across all subjects and grade levels. Click on the link below to access the web page: Click on the link below for the Home Access codes: Virtual Library Home Access
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Donec porta hendrerit turpis consectetur congue. Donec mollis elit in justo pulvinar feugiat. Donec felis magna, luctus id tincidunt sed, eleifend nec est. Praesent convallis risus efficitur mollis euismod. Proin pellentesque dui dolor, ut rutrum massa luctus vitae. Quisque commodo eu erat et ultrices ыuspendisse eget rutrum elit nullam feugiat lectus. Nulla accumsan, risus et feugiat lobortis, magna quam tincidunt ligula, nec ullamcorper metus nisi sit amet diam. Sed a hendrerit lectus. Fusce vitae ex nec elit consequat lobortis sit amet id mi. In sodales bibendum nibh viverra vestibulum. Donec sit amet nibh auctor, tempor felis eu, tincidunt ante. Integer faucibus lacus id est vestibulum, at mollis orci tempor. Morbi sodales erat eu turpis auctor, vel porta libero tempor. Suspendisse eget rutrum elit. Nullam feugiat lectus nisl, eget sagittis ligula placerat id. Praesent lobortis finibus dui aliquet venenatis. Ut in tincidunt tortor. Suspendisse lobortis elit sed eros tempor suscipit. Praesent in tortor nulla. In nec augue at sem faucibus rhoncus ac in elit. Vestibulum quis faucibus dui. Ut vitae mauris ut elit sagittis malesuada. Fusce eu risus non lorem tincidunt tincidunt. Suspendisse dictum consectetur euismod. Nunc pharetra lobortis velit et egestas. Etiam consequat hendrerit lacus, et sodales lectus iaculis at. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum dictum a felis quis ultricies. Praesent et risus tincidunt, tincidunt turpis congue, laoreet felis.
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